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Nicole Thurgur

Energy Therapist
Raising your Vibration

Meet Nicole Thurgur

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Arthur C.Clarke


It has been scientifically proven that everything is electromagnetic energy, which vibrates at specific frequencies.  This flow of energy within us can become blocked or disrupted, causing the body 'dis-ease'. Our bodies are then unable to function optimally and be in alignment, which can lead to the development of symptoms. Removing blocks and areas of stagnation can allow the body to heal itself. 


Nicole uses energy medicine to help restore and bring a stressed body back into balance. She has trained in the Emotion code and Life alignment energy systems, as well as having a Psychotherapy Degree (Honours 2002) and  Masters in Art Therapy (2008). She works with clients to find their stories archived within: where our Biology meets our Biography to powerfully heal and restore. 




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Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Life Alignment

Why Energy Therapy?

It can help with

Emotional Wounds and Scars

As we go through life we can pick up emotional and physical  bumps, scrapes and traumas, which can stay resonating in our body,  cells and DNA ; manifesting later as discomforts in the body

Transformation & Wellbeing

Energy Medicine can be transformative process: bringing  up the frequencies of the body and letting go of old unconscious patterns that are still resonating in the body.

Discomfort and Difficulties

Physical discomfort is also seen as imbalances in the body, and while energy work does not claim to cure or diagnose it is good to remove underlying blocks and  imbalances.

Inherited Family Patterns

We inherit far more than eye and hair colour from our parents and family tree. Inherited emotions and stories in the genes can be triggers of health issues. Science is now looking at how emotions can be passed on through the generations. 


Everything in nature and our bodies is held in constant homeostasis. We are living in times which challenges this sense of balance. Energy healing brings the body back into alignment.


Beginning of school, a new job or career,  a new stage of life, rites of passage and changes in seasons; can bring about challenges. Energy medicine can support one through these changes.



“Nicole is quite simply, a wonderful therapist and a true healer. A gifted, natural intuitive she emobodies huge compassion and wisdom, allowing her clients to move into a space of profound healing.”

Fiona, Oxfordshire 


Jumping Under Arch
 On going

(usually an hour and half)
Working with your manifestation path and ideas on specific projects or health issues
White WIld Flowers
Remote Attunement

Shorter sessions to maintain health for those busy times

Flower Essences


for emotional stabilising and mastery

Intuitive sessions

Working with specific symptoms intuitively

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Distant Healing by Proxy

I am in virtual practice  so I work across time zones and in different countries
Tropical Plants

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~ ”


Thomas Edison

Clinic Times


Clinic Times

Your Health Starts Here


Tuesdays: 9:30am - 5pm  
Fridays: 9:30 - 7pm
Evenings and weekends flexible
so please contact for enquiries

Contact Info


South Northamptonshire, UNITED KINGDOM

+44 (0)7885 992005



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